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Coloring Book Images:  Only projects submitted in the 2024 AIAOC Design Awards will be in the coloring book. Images need to be line drawings of your submission.  The simplest format is to open your model and turn off the color.  Please consider how this will appear in a coloring book as you may want to choose a different building position.  Line drawings can be done from Sketchup (select the style Hidden Line), Autocad, Revit or other 3D rendering programs.  Hand sketches and 2D flat images are acceptable as well.  Please upload you image HERE no later than August 15th to be included in the coloring book.  Please do not include project name, location, firm or other verbiage on the image. This information will be included in the table of contents.

When uploading image, please label as DA24 with the 4 digit application code/number given when registring/submitting.

Example: DA24_3344